20 October 2009

Coffee Brown Sugar Body Scrub by SLY

Ladies and Gentleman,

Let me announce the beginning of my personal luxurious product line SLY.

Or maybe, Sheena LaShay. (not sure which has the better ring to it) Yes.

Welcome to my personal luxurious product line by Sheena LaShay! The first product to be released to the general public is...

Coffee Brown Sugar Body Scrub
(Your body will thank you!)

I looked at a combination of the recipes I had found earlier. And decided to do a combo and see what happens. The ingredients I used were olive oil, almond oil, brown sugar, coffee, rose essential oil and patchouli essential oil. The combination seemed to create a subtle and yet intense scent. Subtle enough to enhance whatever perfume or lotion you might later put on but intense to stand on its own.

Combine half a cup of brown sugar......

Two tablespoons of coffee grounds.....

Some olive oil....until you find the almond oil that was hiding in the pantry.........
(not sure how much oil. I forgot to measure. Just mix and if it seems to dry add some more. If its too soupy...add more sugar or coffee)

Add drops of the essential oil and mix well.

If something seems off...add more coffee grounds or sugar or oil...until you have the consistency and smell that you like.

And then get in the shower and rub a lavish amount on your skin all over.
After a few minutes rinse off. My skin felt so SOFT and MOISTURIZED. And it smelled so so so good!!!!!! I had a small amount left over so a scooped it into an almost empty body of old body scrub. I can't wait to make it again.

What would I do differently next time?

I would put one tablespoon of coffee grounds into the mix instead of two. (One recipe I found even said you could use used coffee grounds. So make your coffee in the morning and then in the evening instead of composting them, treat yourself to your own personal spa.)

Instead of using olive oil, I would use almond oil. When I began making the recipe, I couldn't find where I left the almond oil, so I used olive oil instead.  Its not a major problem. But I just wonder what the different would be.

So next time I will use less coffee, almond oil instead of olive oil and I'd try some different scents of essential oils. But for the first try..... I give myself so many brownie points!

Also...can you imagine how much money I will be saving from now on? Sorry, Body Shop...you are slowly losing me after years of such a committed relationship.

Make your own body scrub and tell me how it goes for you!


Shelagh said...

that sounds AWESOME!!! I stopped buying a lot of these kind of products a while back because of the packaging and cost, but never thought to make my own. I may just have to try it out... plus it sounds fun.

Eco Mama said...

This looks great! I have ambitions to make my own body care too. Thanks for sharing!
Eco Mama

Sheena LaShay said...

@Shelagh...yes, the cost is ridiculous. Especially some of the brands from certain stores like The Body Shop. I knew that and still willingly wasted money and containers. I've learned a lesson after making such a simple yet amazing scrub. Even today I was googling homemade shower gel.

@EcoMama...it took me like five minutes to make and the entire evening to enjoy. I kept touching my skin and smelling it after the shower. Do it! Let me know how it goes for you!